About me

My name is Kakeami. As you can see from my account name, I love manga (“Kakeami” is a traditional technique used in Japanese manga). I seriously wanted to be a manga artist until I was in the third year of junior high school, but I gave up because I didn’t have the guts and sense to draw even an 18-page short story, let alone 45 pages.

I’m now a cog in the wheel of society as a company employee. I am a father of two children. As a hobby, I am studying Computer Science at OMSCS, Georgia Institute of Technology. My dream is to go on a graduation trip with my family to the U.S. when I get my master’s degree (social and financial situations permitting).

About this

I’m going to write some trivial technical notes that are not worth submitting on Zenn or Qiita. However, I may also write about things that have nothing to do with technology, such as my vegetable garden, cooking, and reading.
